“Celebrating Handmade Books” at If Only – 11.6.15

“Celebrating Handmade Books” at If Only – 11.6.15

You are invited to participate in a First Friday event at If Only, A Fine Store on November 6, 2015 from 5-8pm.

Northwoods Book Arts Guild members are invited to sell up to three books at this event (all books must be for sale). You, the artist, set the price including a 40% store commission. Deliver books to If Only on November 2nd or 3rd between 3-6pm.

NBG Annual Meeting Reminder – 10.22.15

NBG Annual Meeting Reminder – 10.22.15

We are looking forward to seeing NBG members (and their guests!) at our first annual meeting on October 22, 2015.  Join us at The Folk School on Beverley Lane for a delicious potluck dinner from 5-8pm. At the meeting we will approve the slate of Officers to the NBG...

Trees Book Exchange – 9.24.15

The September 24th NBG Meeting featured a book exchange with the theme of “Trees”.  Twelve Guild Members exchanged delightful and creative works made from or featuring a tree. Birch Covered Star/Tunnel “Autumn Colors” Concertina Card “The...
Our Next NBG Meeting – 09.24.15

Our Next NBG Meeting – 09.24.15

Another summer has flown past! We look forward to catching up with everyone at our next Guild meeting on Thursday, September 24, 2015, from 5:00 to 7:00pm at Pioneer Park’s Blue Room. We will provide updates on the Letterpress Project, elect new board positions,...
NBG Annual Meeting – 10.22.15

NBG Annual Meeting – 10.22.15

Mark your calendar! Our first formal “Annual Meeting” will be held on Thursday evening, October 22, 2015, from 5:00-7:00pm at The Folk School. This important meeting will include a potluck dinner and a silent auction of donated items that we each bring to...
Letterpress Project Update

Letterpress Project Update

The Kelsey Letterpress, donated to our Guild by Charlotte Bird and Frances Watson of San Diego, CA, has arrived at its new home in the NBG studio! There it sits in fortuitous tandem with ANOTHER Kelsey Letterpress owned by Bruce Campbell! Bruce has become our go-to...
The Fishbone Fold Book Class – 7.19.15

The Fishbone Fold Book Class – 7.19.15

Sign up now at The Folk School Fairbanks for Connie Stricks’ fabulous Fishbone Fold Book class, Sunday, July 19, 2015, from 10:00am to 4:00pm.  In this workshop you will create the “Fishbone Fold Book,” a sculptural structure attributed to master book artist...
Coptic Binding Class – 7.11.12

Coptic Binding Class – 7.11.12

Coptic binding is a time-honored and versatile method of binding journals, sketchbooks, photo albums, and much more. Its dominant feature is a chain of exposed sewing across the spine, allowing the spine to be flexible and lay flat when open. This workshop will focus...
NBG Meeting To Feature Leaf Art! – 7.30.15

NBG Meeting To Feature Leaf Art! – 7.30.15

Come celebrate summer at our next Northwoods Book Arts Guild meeting on Thursday, July 30, 2015, 4:45-7:00pm at The Folk School Fairbanks. Laurel Herbeck will lead the program with a great project using leaves to embellish papers for bookmaking. We will be applying...
New Bookmaking Tools at Paper Birches

New Bookmaking Tools at Paper Birches

Paper Birches, our Guild supply acquisition program, is expanding thanks to its new home in the NBG studio at The Folk School Fairbanks. With room to grow, we are able to provide a wider variety of bookmaking necessities. New in the supplies department are piercing...