Spray-Painted Papers
Studio “in-the-Driveway” Session
with Mary Maisch
Location: Kathy’s driveway in Goldstream Valley
Wednesday, June 22, 6 – 9pm Rain date: Thursday, June 23
Time to restock your supply of painted papers! This Studio Session will provide three hours of non-stop production of beautiful spray-painted papers for many bookmaking projects to come. We will set up our tables in Kathy’s driveway, share our canisters of acrylic spray paints, and join in the magic of layering colors and forms on our papers.
Attendees will provide all materials. Please bring the following:
- 3 cans of Liquitex spray paint to share – available only at Michael’s (about $11 each)
- Papers – Canson, Arches, Strathmore, etc. We will have some Arches Text Wove and Canson papers available for purchase through Paper Birches at the workshop.
- Stencils
- Rubber or latex gloves
- Folding table to work on (if you have one!)
Fee: $10
Materials fee: none (attendees will bring all materials – see above)
Enrollment limited to 10
To sign up and get the address for Kathy’s driveway, contact Mary Maisch <maisch@acsalaska.net>