NBG In Studio Workshop: Garden Collage Art Cards
with Katie Sanders
Friday, May 13, 1:00pm-4:00pm – $45 members, $60 guests
Materials Fee – $5
Register by email: katiehsanders@gmail.com
Make payment at the Studio with cash or by check to NBG. Early enrollment
is appreciated. The Studio is open from 12-2:00 every Wednesday.
Make your own artful collaged greeting cards in celebration of the upcoming spring gardening season! Katie will demonstrate techniques of collage using scissors, x-acto knives, torn paper, glue sticks, and acrylic medium. Katie likes to use gelli-printed papers, maps, book pages, music sheets, gift wrap, magazine clippings – scraps of any available papers. She will supply many papers, but you are invited to bring some of your own to add to the pile of choices!
Variety of papers
Glue sticks
Gloss acrylic gel medium
8” x 10” Canson mixed media sheets to use as cards
Masking tape
Face mask (Use TBD by consensus)
X-acto knife
Old, short-bristled flat brush
Variety of paper scraps
Blank cards and envelopes (Optional)
NOTE: Please email the instructor to indicate your preference regarding the wearing of masks by class participants. If one person feels more comfortable with masks on, all will wear masks. To allow plenty of personal space, this class is limited to eight participants.