Thursday, May 25, 5-7PM
Social Hall, Christ Lutheran Church
On Farmer’s Loop Road, corner Iniakuk Ave.

Making Casements
with Corlis Taylor

This meeting offers a refresher class on making wraparound casements for your books. Bring a book with you (or we will provide one) while you build a casement designed specifically for the dimensions of your book. Heavyweight Strathmore paper will be provided for this project.

Please bring the following tools with you:
Cutting mat
Bone folder
X-Acto knife
Metal edges
Pencil, eraser

Special discussion at this month’s meeting:
How do I price my artist books?
Special Guest, Katlian Stark

Especially apropos for the show in June, Katlian Stark, a professional artist who shows her work widely and works at the Well Street Art Co., will join us to lead a discussion about how to price your artist books. She will offer us some guidelines to answer this often challenging question.

Book Exchange Theme for May:

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!