Program Meeting June 20, 2024
Fountainhead Antique Auto Museum
We normally wouldn’t report on a Program Meeting but our June 20, 2024 meeting was very special—it was the first Program Meeting we have held in-person since Covid. And to hold it in the Fountainhead Antique Auto Museum added luster to the evening.
The Guild’s collaborative show with the Museum, “Contemporary Meets Vintage,” opened on June 6 and became the focus for our meeting. Inspired by the Museum’s fashion and automotive collection, Guild members created 21 artist books that will be on exhibit there through July 6.
Although seating in the Museum was limited, forty people were able to attend our meeting and enjoyed a slide presentation created by Margo Klass and Susan Campbell. This was combined with an artist talk about each of the books created for the exhibit. Not only did we hear the backstory for many of the books, but artists were available to answer questions afterwards, and everyone was able to spend additional time in the Museum looking at the exhibit.
Perhaps the highlight of the artist presentations was that of Chris Greenfield-Pastro whose inspiration came from 2 sources—an 1912 Indian motorcycle and a ca. 1900 corset. In her book, freedom versus constraint attract. Her book features two poems that reveal their fascination of and ardor for each other. Chris wore a black leather motorcycle jacket that had belonged to her father,. When she finished her presentation, she suddenly opened her jacket and flashed a corset she was wearing!! It was quite a surprise and treat.